Twisted’s Technical Sales Manager, Ian Howard CTS, spent the last week USA bound at the hugely popular InfoComm 2019 event in Florida.

To tee off, Ian started his trip as part of the Peerless-AV Europe golf team, with Keith Dutch and Matt Nixon leading the way, ultimately winning against team Philips. Well done, everyone!


The event was a joint venture with Philips, also sponsored by Exertis UK and Midwich. It was an excellent opportunity for TwistedPair to catch up with some of their suppliers and fellow industry colleagues.

The final part of the voyage was InfoComm, and this year, as all years prior, was a great example of today’s Audio Visual world. Some highlights include the 1.2mm pixel pitch LED wall by Philips, the Peerless LED mounting bracket, showing a great example of how simple they make curved frames, Christie Microtiles, revealing how these new tiles can work in both concave and convex applications, the Samsung 8k enhancing display and Epson, bestowing upon us some pretty awesome Projection Mapping skills.



All in all, this was an invaluable trip for Ian and TwistedPair. Thanks to Peerless and Philips for a memorable trip!

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